What to Do If the Car Doesn’t Start?

Most of us think we jumped into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition, waiting for the car to rumble. However, sometimes that and the car won’t start. What to do if the car doesn’t start? Dealing with ignition problems can be especially frustrating, especially if you’re not in your driveway.

But don’t worry, there are several methods to troubleshoot your engine when it won’t start and determine where the problem lies.

What to Do If the Car Doesn’t Start

Read on for tips on what to do if the car doesn’t start and how to get it running again!

Check if the car is parked

Most drivers will fall victim to this simple error at least once during their driving career. If the vehicle is not parked and in gear, the vehicle will not start for safety reasons. Simply place the gear lever in the park and try again. Additionally, if your car doesn’t start while in the park but still starts when you put it in neutral, or if it starts while in any gear other than park, that’s a sign bad.

Any car started in any gear other than the park may have a faulty neutral safety switch, making driving dangerous. In this case, you should call a tow truck to pick up the car.

Make sure there is enough fuel

The solution to your problem can be very simple: Does the car have enough fuel? If there is not enough gasoline in the tank, the fuel filter cannot deliver enough gasoline to the fuel injectors and engine. If your fuel gauge wasn’t low before but it looks like your gas tank is now empty, get out and check for signs of a fuel leak. This could be a sign of a cracked gas tank or another problem with the fuel system.

Check your car battery

A common problem that causes your car to not run even when the engine is turned on is a dead battery. If there is no sound or light on the dashboard when turning the key and you cannot hear the engine running, the cause may be the car battery. Additionally, you may notice a dim battery icon on the control panel if there is just enough juice left in the battery.

Or the headlights may dim or dim significantly. If so, it’s time to pop the hood and look inside. Although some cars can be easily started using a battery connector, newer models are not always designed to be started using other means.

Instead, use a portable battery charger that is safe for your vehicle model. Check battery connections If the battery is in good condition, there may still be faulty connections that prevent the motor from receiving the power it needs to run.

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This is less likely to happen, but it’s worth testing anyway. Locate the cable connections to the car battery and try rotating or twisting them. If you can move them by hand, the connection will be loose and some debris or buildup may prevent making a secure connection to the battery buttons.

To clean the battery connectors, remove them and clean the inside with a cloth. After reconnecting them to the car battery plugs, you will probably need a wrench to tighten them. Then try restarting the vehicle with the new battery accessory. Replace your key fob battery It can be easy to forget your key fob batteries, but they also have a specific lifespan and today could be the day your key fob battery runs out.

This is especially true if your car allows you to press the “Start” button instead of turning the key. Because the car’s ignition sensor waits for a signal from the remote control, it won’t turn on if the battery is dead and no signal is emitted. Try replacing your key fob battery according to the instructions in your owner’s manual.

Or, if your key fob has a slide key, use it to start the car and make sure you don’t have bigger car problems.

Check the starter

If you hear a clicking sound when you turn the key but the car still won’t start, you may hear noises associated with a bad starter. A jumper cable is a thick wire that carries electrical current directly to the car’s ignition and, unfortunately, can degrade with time and use.

If you notice your car taking longer to start in the morning, this could be a sign. Unfortunately, if the broken starter has a real problem, you will need a professional service to repair it. It’s time to call a tow truck and take the car to a local repair shop immediately.

Clean dirty connection cables

The problem of your car not starting may still be due to the connection cable but not because it is broken. Because the jumper cable is responsible for carrying a large amount of current to the igniter, it is susceptible to corrosion, causing it to stop working.

If your car won’t start due to dirty wiring, the corrosion can be cleaned up quite easily. Open the hood and disconnect the cables from the battery and starter. Next, carefully clean the heads and posts with a wire brush.

Be sure to scrape off any dirt, oil or grease buildup, as well as any galvanic corrosion that has occurred. Once your jumper cable ends are clean, reconnect them to the battery and starter, close the hood, and try turning that key again!

Identifying Ignition Switch Problems

If your car won’t start but you can see the lights on the dashboard, it means your car battery is working, then it could be with the ignition switch. The ignition switch is responsible for activating your vehicle’s main electrical systems, including power from the battery to all components.

If this switch does not work properly, the entire ignition system and starter will die. Unfortunately, the ignition switch is not a problem you can fix yourself. You will need to take your vehicle to an auto repair centre to have the rest of the system replaced and realigned.

Troubleshooting a locked steering wheel

Most cars have a safety feature on the steering wheel that securely locks the entire steering column in the event of a tow or theft. However, it can also be counterproductive if the steering wheel gets stuck in the locked position when it is not supposed to.

The car will often not start if the steering wheel is in the locked position. This is mainly for safety reasons but also to reduce lateral movement of the front axle if the vehicle needs to be transported or towed. Do not use force to fix a stuck steering wheel lock.

Instead, insert the key straight in and try to gently wiggle the steering wheel from side to side. You can also try starting the car with a duplicate car key that may not have the keys worn out.

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Check the alternator

Signs that the alternator is the culprit include being able to start the car and immediately stall or noticing the interior light come on normally but quickly go out. Your car’s alternator may have problems if any of these problems occur.

Additionally, a particularly easy sign is if you turn the key and notice a burning smell. Since the alternator drives the engine belt, you will smell hot rubber if it is not working properly. Unfortunately, there is no at-home solution for generators, so call a tow truck!

Know when to replace the timing belt

If you hear the starter engage without turning or a ticking sound under the hood, this could be a sign of a faulty timing belt. This noise is created because the engine pistons try to start but encounter no resistance, so some valves begin to release.

The timing belt is to blame: This thick rubber strip is essential to operation because it essentially connects the top and bottom halves of the engine. The timing belt is used to rotate the crankshaft and cam in the engine itself.

Simply put, if the drive belt is not working perfectly, the engine will not run. Timing belts can wear out and lose the friction needed to rotate the parts make them up and break completely. If so, stop trying to start the car and call a tow truck.

The timing belt cannot be repaired or replaced at home. So, to prevent this from happening again, be sure to include the timing belt in your regular maintenance checks and have your mechanic replace it regularly.

Call your insurance company

If your car has serious mechanical problems, your insurance company can help you. Whether it’s an accident or you simply need roadside assistance, drivers can count on their insurance company for help and advice.

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