8 Eco-Friendly Driving Tips

Driving is now an important part of our daily lives. However, when you think about going green, driving might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, car exhaust is undoubtedly harmful to the environment and contributes greatly to environmental pollution. This is where eco-friendly driving tips emerge as the hero.

Some people suggest giving up driving altogether, but this is not a realistic option for most people. However, there are ways to make a positive impact. In this article, we look at strategies for environmentally friendly driving, from optimizing fuel economy to considering whether to buy a hybrid or electric car.

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Top Eco-Friendly Driving Tips

Following these practical eco-friendly driving tips can help you reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment.

1.     Switch off the engine if possible

If your car has an automatic stop-start system, the engine will likely shut off if you get stuck in traffic. But if your car doesn’t have this, you can save petrol by shutting off the engine yourself when you’re stuck. Keep in mind that frequent driving can wear down your battery, so make sure it’s in good condition.

Also, don’t turn off the engine immediately after starting, especially if it’s not yet warm. A simple rule is: if you know you’ll have to wait more than two minutes, turn the engine off. You should also be aware of your car’s fuel consumption and monitor it regularly.

This will help you identify any changes that may indicate a problem. Also, be mindful of fuel-intensive activities such as using phone chargers.

2.     Choose an environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient car.

Diesel cars have been controversial for their fuel economy and cleanliness, but the latest models are clean and suitable for long-distance journeys. They meet Euro 6 emission standards and are ULEZ-suitable. In addition, hybrid technology has led to the spread of petrol cars, especially plug-in hybrids, which reduce emissions on short trips.

Electric cars are also becoming more popular with environmentally conscious drivers. They are cheaper to maintain, have tax benefits, avoid traffic jams and ULEZ charges, and often offer free parking in convenient locations.

3.     Drive gently and strategically

To reduce fuel consumption and have a more relaxing journey, avoid speeding and consider using a speed limiter or cruise control if your car has one. Volvo has found that these features help drivers save fuel and enjoy a smoother ride. Avoid speeding and keep a good distance from the vehicle in front to avoid having to brake suddenly.

When accelerating, use the brake pedal carefully to save fuel. Stay in gear and avoid accelerating and braking constantly, especially if your engine speed drops below 1500 rpm,  as this will increase fuel consumption. When starting from a stop, remember that accelerating uses more fuel.

This means you don’t have to accelerate when you approach a red light, stop, and start again when it turns green. If you slow down gradually, you might get there in time for the light to change. If not, you won’t waste fuel accelerating unnecessarily. If you drive a manual car, try to keep your RPMs low and shift into a higher gear whenever possible to save fuel.

You can also skip fourth gear and go straight from third to fifth. This is called block shifting.

 With an automatic transmission, avoiding Sport mode can help reduce fuel consumption. Try Eco mode instead.

Furthermore, to save fuel, always obey warning and stop signs and use the highest gear depending on the conditions. And don’t forget: using less fossil fuels is good for the environment.

4.     Get your vehicle inspected and maintained regularly.

Keeping your vehicle in good condition is key to reducing CO2 emissions. Regular maintenance helps to save fuel and keeping your tyre pressure constant reduces drag therefore less fuel is used.

5.     Check your tyre pressure before any long journey.

Don’t forget to clean and change your oil and air filters regularly too. As your car gets older, harmful deposits can build up in your engine, leading to increased emissions. Adding a cleaner to your fuel system every few months can help reduce these emissions. Alternatively, you can use premium fuel with additives. Regular maintenance of your vehicle is a simple way to contribute to a cleaner environment.

A properly maintained car can have up to 50% fewer emissions than a poorly maintained one. Follow all the instructions in your general inspection to keep your car in top condition. This will not only improve your fuel economy and reduce emissions, but it will also extend the life of your car and save you money in the long run.

6.     Limit Air Conditioning Use 

Air conditioning may be appealing in the hot summer, but continued use can significantly increase fuel consumption. Your car’s air conditioning is basically like using your engine to run a small refrigerator, so think twice before turning it on. If it’s not that hot outside, try taking off an extra layer of clothing or turning the thermostat up a little higher.

Also, consider ventilating your car or opening the windows to save fuel and reduce emissions. Minimising the use of air conditioning, especially at low speeds, can reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Remember to switch it off when it’s comfortable, especially in winter, when a short breeze can effectively clean your windows.

7.     Use public transport, cycling or shared transport instead.

There’s no need to drive everywhere. Wherever possible, choose public transport or cycling instead of the car. These alternatives significantly reduce the environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future. Public transport is designed to carry many passengers at the same time, resulting in lower emissions per person compared to individual cars.

Bicycles are also a good alternative to private cars; they offer a zero-emission option for short journeys, reduce congestion, and require less parking space. Both options are not only environmentally friendly, but they are also cost-effective, healthier and often more social modes of transport.

In addition, carpooling is another efficient option as it reduces the number of vehicles on the road. Before you go on a trip, think about whether the trip is necessary. Walk short distances or take public transport during rush hour. Driving safely on a slower weekend trip will help you appreciate the comfort and convenience of your car even more.

8.     Plan for environmentally friendly driving

Planning is an important habit for environmentally friendly driving. Anticipating traffic conditions can help you find alternative routes and save fuel. Paying attention to speed limit changes can help you avoid sudden braking and revving your engine. If you park for a while, turn off your engine to reduce emissions.


These days, driving is only used for essential trips. Getting from A to B has become the norm, almost wherever you are. Driving may not be the most environmentally friendly activity, but by paying attention to your driving habits and considering alternative transportation where possible, you can reduce your impact on the environment.

Following these eco-friendly driving tips is the best thing you can do to save the environment. Every small change matters and we can all work together towards a more sustainable future.

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