Car Safety Tips for Rainy Season

Nothing beats the joy of a scenic road trip with your loved ones during the monsoon. Beautiful weather, a cool breeze carrying the sweet scent of petrichor, the sounds of music, and dewy leaves make the journey even more refreshing. However, driving on rainy days can be enjoyable if you are extremely careful. To ensure a hassle-free and safe experience (for yourself and other road users), you should follow some simple car safety tips for rainy season.

Though driving during monsoon is fun and exhilarating, it can also have drawbacks if proper safety measures are not taken before and during the trip.

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Car Safety Tips for Rainy Season

Here are all the car safety tips for rainy season you need to do to ensure the safety of your passengers and yourself on a road trip in the rain:

  • Get your car checked
  • Know the weather forecast Eyes
  • Plan your trip
  • Fill up before you leave
  • Drive slowly
  • Keep your lights on
  • Maintain a minimum safety distance A
  • void driving off-road
  • Take a break if the weather worsens
  • Carry an emergency kit 1.

Get your car checked

Before driving in such weather, it is very important to make sure that your vehicle is in perfect condition. In the rainy season, even a small mechanical defect can be the biggest threat to road safety. You don’t want to be stranded on a marshy road in the pouring rain and have to change your tyre.

You need to make sure your car or motorcycle’s tyres, wipers, headlights and brakes are working properly. It also defogs your windows and improves visibility. A product like Rain-X Anti Fog can do this.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast

Rain is unpredictable, especially during the monsoon season. One moment it’s sunny and the next moment it’s raining like crazy. So, always check the weather forecast before getting into your car. And this applies not only to where you are but also to your destination. Check the weather forecast for your destination. If rain is in the forecast, adjust your plans accordingly plan your trip.

Timing is important

Know the safe times. Know the distance between your current location and your destination and how long it will take to travel that distance at your planned driving speed. You should keep in mind that your speed will automatically slow down when it rains and it will take longer than usual on slippery roads and in heavy traffic. So, leave earlier than you think.

This will also help you avoid dangerous night driving during the monsoon season. Planning your trip properly is probably one of the most important car safety tips for rainy season we can give.

Refuel before you leave

Imagine you’re stranded in a remote area, your car has run out of petrol, it’s pouring rain and there’s no petrol station in sight. Scary, right? Make sure you fill up your tank so you don’t end up left in your car in the middle of the road.

According to traffic authorities, this is one of the most important safety tips on mountain roads during monsoon. Most petrol stations in the mountains close around 7 pm, even earlier during the rainy season.

Please drive slowly

Roads are boggy and slippery. Visibility is poor. These are not ideal conditions for a Fast & Furious-style road trip. Save the urge to race or overtake for another time. Established car safety tips for rainy season in many cities specifically encourage drivers to drive slowly so they can see where they are going and to avoid endangering the safety of other road users.

Additionally, on wet roads, tyres can lose traction and slip, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

Keep your lights on

Yes, even during the day. Visibility is of utmost importance when driving on rainy days, especially in the mountains. Keeping your lights on makes it easier for surrounding drivers to see your vehicle and maintain a safe following distance.

Be careful not to flash directly at oncoming vehicles as it may temporarily blind the driver and cause an accident.

Maintain Minimum Safety Distance

Give other vehicles (and yourself) enough space to see ahead and avoid a collision. When visibility is poor and the road is wet, you cannot just brake and stop immediately and expect the vehicle behind you to do the same. Also, the driver in front of you may not have read our rainy season road safety tips and taken proper precautions for driving during monsoon.

Avoid off-road driving

Driving off the beaten path may be fun in summer, but the monsoon rains will only get you into trouble, especially in the mountains. While driving in the mountains, keep in mind these safety tips for the monsoon season: Stay on paved roads whenever possible. Avoid driving on loose ground, muddy roads, muddy fields etc.

If you get stuck in a muddy field, do not apply the brakes, as this will push your car deeper into the mud. Try shifting into a higher gear to get out. Keep the steering wheel steady, otherwise your vehicle may lift and lose control. Avoid puddles and potholes behind mud, as you never know how deep they may be.

Take a break if the weather gets bad

It is not advisable to drive during thunderstorms or heavy rain if visibility is not clear or you cannot properly control your vehicle. In such cases, your best bet is to find a suitable place on the side of the road and park your car. However,  make sure your headlights and taillights are on so passers-by can see your vehicle and avoid a collision.

Take an emergency kit with you

What would you do if you were stranded on the road in the middle of the night? Make sure you have the following belongings: Flashlight (preferably waterproof) Umbrella or raincoat (or both) Extra clothing Mosquito repellent spray Sturdy shoes Power bank Have you written all this down?

To Conclude

Well done! Now you are ready for your next road trip. Follow these rainy season safety tips strictly to evacuate with peace of mind and keep your loved ones safe. Don’t let a little rain or fog dampen your mood and get in the way of a great getaway. If you know of any car safety tips for rainy season that other readers should follow, let us know in the comments below. We’ll be happy to add it to this list.

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