How to Get Car Owner Details

As you walk down the street, you happen to see a vehicle hitting a cyclist and speeding off without halting. You oversee to note down the vehicle enlistment number, but you do not know how to discover the subtle elements of both the vehicle and the driver. You go to the Territorial Transport Office and ultimately get hold of the specified data after a long battle and wasting a part of your valuable time. There are superior ways to discover how to get car owner details.

Related: Exploring Car Transport by Train in India

Finding Vehicle Proprietor Subtle elements by Number Plate on the VAHAN Site

In 2011, the Service of Street Transport and Interstates collaborated with the National Informatics Middle to dispatch the national vehicle registry, VAHAN. Agreeing to the site comprises information related to more than 250,000,000 engine vehicles such as bicycles, cars, auto-rickshaws, buses, and cabs enrolled in India.

The objective behind propelling the VAHAN site was to emphasize the subtle elements of driving licenses and vehicle enrollment recorded by the local transport Workplaces and Territorial Transport Workplaces all over the nation.

To discover our vehicle’s subtle elements by number, visit the VAHAN site and follow the steps said underneath.

  • Click/tap on the “Know your vehicle subtle elements” button on the menu bar
  • Give your vehicle’s enlistment number and enter the “captcha” as shown
  • Click/tap on the “Search Vehicle” button

That’s it! You may be able to see all the subtle elements related to your car or bike provided at the time of enlisting with the neighbourhood RTO shown on the screen.

VAHAN collates and produces data around vehicles and proprietors in all states and Union Regions in India. These subtle elements comply with the Engine Vehicles Act 1988. On entering the enlistment number of your vehicle, you’ll get the taking after points of interest from the VAHAN site:

  • Date of enrollment of the vehicle
  • Vehicle chassis number (not in full)
  • Vehicle’s motor number (not in full)
  • Title of the proprietor
  • Vehicle course
  • Fuel sort
  • The demonstrated number of vehicle
  • Title of the vehicle producer
  • Vehicle wellness legitimacy date
  • Contamination beneath control certificate number
  • Engine vehicle assess legitimacy date
  • Two-wheeler protection points of interest
  • Vehicle emanation measures
  • Status of the enrollment certificate
  • Title of the agent

Finding Vehicle Enrollment Number Points of interest using an SMS

You’ll too do a vehicle proprietor look by sending an SMS to VAHAN. Just follow the steps given below to find out vehicle enrollment points of interest by vehicle number:

  • Sort the VAHAN enrollment number of the vehicle.
  • Forward the SMS to 7738299899.

So, if you need to know the title of the owner of a vehicle, all merely should do is note down the vehicle’s enrollment number and send an SMS to VAHAN.

Different Scenarios After You Should Check the Vehicle Proprietor Title by Enlistment Number Plate

If activity police halt you and you do not have your vehicle’s reports with you, at that point you should pay an overwhelming fine. This was genuine in the past, but not any longer. You’ll be able to put this stress to rest. You’re not required to carry with you the difficult duplicate of your vehicle’s reports all the time. You’ll be able to spare the archives carefully and appear them to the activity police on request.

The points of interest you spare in DigiLockers will be considered authentic over India. Be that as it may, the activity authorization specialists might need to confirm the subtle elements you provide with the VAHAN site to guarantee their authenticity.

In the past, you had to procure a no-objection certificate or NOC for your vehicle in case you moved to another state or UT for more than a year.

What vehicle data can you discover on VAHAN?

After wrapping up these steps, you may be given the taking after subtle elements:

  • Enlistment Number/Date
  • Chassis and Motor Number (Not completely uncovered)
  • Vehicle Proprietor Title
  • Vehicle Class/Type
  • Fuel Sort
  • Make and Demonstrate
  • Enrollment Expiry Date
  • Protections Expiry Date
  • Street Assess Information
  • PUCC (Contamination Beneath Control Certificate) Expiry Date
  • Enrollment Certificate Status
  • Emanation Standards Points of interest
  • Title of financer

How to discover the enlisted proprietor of a vehicle points of interest on the Vahan site

VAHAN will allow you the vehicle’s subtle elements utilizing the enlistment number

When will you wish to utilize the registration numbers?

There are three major scenarios where you may discover the enrollment number valuable:

Hit-and-run case:

In a few street mischances, the driver/motorist in charge of the mischance might attempt to maintain a strategic distance from duty by running absent. In any case, if you keep in mind the enlistment number of the escaping vehicle, you’ll track the personality of the vehicle proprietor and might discover data about the driver.

Assessment of utilized vehicle:

One valuable application of the vehicle enrollment number is to examine a utilized vehicle. A few utilized car vendors might attempt to trick buyers by giving untrue data. One way to check on the off chance that dealers are giving redress data is to utilize the enrollment number to affirm the car’s subtle elements.

No protest certification:

Much obliged to VAHAN’s centralized database, RTOs can get to your vehicle points of interest. So, you might not need to show the No Complaint Certification for the officer at RTO workplaces.

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